
Showing posts from April, 2020


Today, i got the chance to cook a meal for my nephews since i take care of them. I always make them food, but its always packaged food so i don't really get to be creative with it. But this time i got to cook chicken with my own seasoning and my own instructions. It took some time but it was pretty fun and the kids loved it.


I have changed a lot since i was a little kid. Over the years my mindset has changed plenty of times and I've matured to the person i am today. A time when my mindset completely changed was about a year ago when me and my friend were talking about some deep stuff while getting high, and i remember she told me something that completely blew my mind. She told me that if you think about it, there are millions of billions of stories being made as we speak, everyone is living their life and experiencing different perspectives of the world. before this i was in my own little bubble, like i thought this is my life, MY world, and these people are MY people that are in MY life, everything was about me, and my feelings. But after that day i could never go back to thinking that way, I started seeing people as human beings, also i started having a lot of anxiety because i would overthink a situation when putting myself in the shoes of others. Overall, i don't think i am the same person i w


I think escaping danger by fleeing, is a reasonable act only when you are sure that you can't get out of the situation. Sometimes, instead of fleeing, you should defend yourself. but only if you know you can be defended.


I think teaching someone else to do something is easier than perfecting something yourself. if you know what needs to be done to learn that certain thing than you just have to guide them through it, but when you are trying to learn something it is more difficult because it can result in a fight within yourself.


I get curious when i dont know the outcome to something that has billions of possibilities. For example, i asked myself what would happen if i put a fork in an outlet,well theres alot of possibilities in my mind of what can happen and as more and more questions come up the more i get curious and the more i want to proceed doing it.


I think my nephews make my day meaningful, since i take care of them basically all day, we need some kinda of distraction or ways to make the day unique. Some days are more fun then others but i always try to do little activities with them to change it up a bit. Thats really how i keep track of what day it is, by looking back and remembering the things I did the day before.


Today we read about how Montag, with Faber in his ear, gets to the firehouse, where Beatty harasses him until the alarm bell rings. The firemen gear up and tear into the night streets-- and when they arrive at their destination, Montag realizes that they've pulled up in front of his house. I think it was worth reading the books because he is really passionate about learning and knowing what books are for.


Montag makes a mistake by telling Mildred and her friends a poem and making them emotional, he even goes off on them about how pitiful their life is. But Faber isn't mad at him, instead he tells him its good to make mistakes, if you learn from them. We can use mistakes as a way to grow and prepare ourselfs for a similar situation.


I think they reacted that way because poetry gives you a different feeling when you understand it, sometimes it surprises and leaves you speechless.It can move people in different ways and even open up new ways of viewing the world.


Faber and Montag plan to print extra books and plant them in the houses of firemen and make them burn them burn their own houses, i honestly dont know how this is going to turn out.


Montag wanted to get in touch with Faber because Faber used to be a English teacher and he probably knows alot about books and what they mean and can probably help Montag understand why books are banned.


What influences me more is not my relationship with others but my relationship with myself. I care about my own health more than others because really all i got in this world i myself, im going to be with myself until i die so i have to be content with myself and my decisions so i try not to let anyone influence what i do.


I don't think entertainment, sports, or food make us happy, it might give us some kind of pleasure, but it does not bring out the emotion of happiness. I think love is really the only thing that can make us truly happy, well not just love,but feeling like you are loved and feeling like you are accepted. Because in all reality that's what we all want, acceptance and love.


 I think most people i know don't like books or don't like reading simply because they're lazy and they think it's a waste of time. Since we have a bunch of new technology that helps us with simple things like doing laundry, cooking or contacting someone miles away, it has made everyone lazy and unproductive. Hardly anyone i know actually goes to school strictly to learn and become wiser, most are forced by law to attend school. Overall i think people are starting to become more lazy with their reading due to the new technology we have now.


I think what makes a person "hardcore" is being reckless, what i mean is that they don't care for their safety or others safety, being gentle on the other hand, requires you to take others into consideration and to care for others. I think these qualities are learned, you are not born a certain way you are made a certain way. With that being said, I think you can change a persons way of thinking and acting you just have to say the right things to get your philosophy across to them.


I think 100% of our behavior is based on past experiences, our beliefs and how we interpret things. We are all different and we all feel different things towards different situations.


I think at this point I'm pretty used to everything that's going on around me, I'm still getting used to the fact that we need to continue learning from home but ill get used to it, i just need to make time for it. Today i decided to do a vlog for my youtube channel because i was pretty bored throughout the whole day, then i decided to edit it and it was really fun. Basically I'm just trying to pass time while the day comes to an end.


I have never had this happen to me before so i wouldn't know exactly how i would act but i can say that if someone were to make fun of my lunch i would probably not care and continue to enjoy my food, simply because it doesn't matter what food I'm eating as long as i got food in my stomach I'm good and also because I don't care about ignorant people's opinion.


When i hear the word "future" i usually freak out. Not because i know whats going to happen but because there are so many possibilities of things that can go wrong in the "future". Sometimes i think I'm a bit paranoid about these things and realize that anything that goes down was meant to go down. There's no way to stop it, it's inevitable, that's when my anxiety goes down and i stop worrying about what can go wrong. Overall though, the future brings anxiety and anxiety brings madness.


Today is the first day of spring, i honestly don't really know what each season means or what it brings to us but when i hear that it is spring i usually think of fresh cut grass and flowers blooming and peace overall, i hope that's what spring brings this year because with everything going on i sure need some peace of mind.


Lately, ive been getting used to this whole "stay at home" thing. I've been doing small things to keep me busy while everyone is at work. I had to change up my whole routine. First, i clean my room and make sure everything is in place, then i move on to the rest of the house to make it look nice. Then, i make myself some breakfast and eat. After that i usually start painting but i just recently ran out of canvases so i just watch tv until everyone gets back from work.